As I have maintained all along, the bible is pure astrology. Astrological truth mind you, not fortune-telling astrology like what you might read in the newspaper. Allegorical, astrological, mythical truth. There is a hidden meaning to the Bible that is masked behind allegory. A perfect place to start to understand the astrological foundations upon which religion is built is to examine the dates of its two most important holy days.
The two most important days of the Christian year, Christmas and Easter are pure astrology. Do you know why the date of Easter Sunday changes every year? The reason is because the actual day of Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. And Christmas day, December 25 is a celebration of the "three wise men following the star in the east to locate the birth of the son of God". The three wise men allegorically represent the three stars in Orion's Belt which point to the star in the east, "Sirius", The "EAST STAR, the brightest star in the night sky, that points to the spot in the horizon where the SUN will rise on the Winter Solstice 12/21.
In order to confuse and control you, organized religion has these two holidays backwards. December 21-24 is the time when the sun rises in the exact same spot on the horizon for "3 Days", thus the myth says that the son was dead in the tomb for three days. Then on the sunrise of 12/25, the point of the sun rise moves one degree north, "rising from the dead", to be "born again". This is the true story of the resurrection, not the 3/21 Spring Equinox and of the SUN, not the mythical son. And the 12/25 Christmas day celebration of the birth of the son of God should be on March 21. It's on this day that the sun is born, on the right, in the East, The Sunrise is the Birth of the Sun (son) just as the sunset is the death of the sun (son).
Another clue that the Easter holiday is pure astrology is that the traditional meal is to eat lamb. Lamb is the Lamb of God, the Lamb is the animal representation of the sign of Aires, which, not coincidentally is "Aires the Ram". A lamb is a young ram. And ... The sign Aires begins on the Spring Equinox on March 21 as well. Eating a lamb means meditating during the time of the morning sunrise. Eating is allegorical for receiving a message from the Sun of God, not in thought, but through the blood of Jesus which represents your DNA. Jesus is a representation of the SUN of God, not the SON of God in physical terms. The sun speaks directly through its ultraviolet rays to your DNA.
The Easter Bread that you make and eat is the bread of god, the bread of god is "the hidden Manna" which occurs every day at the , you guessed it, the SUNRISE. Hence the prayer "Give us this day our daily bread". For the first two hours of the day the angle of the sun is perfect for receiving the message from God. That's one reason why plants release their reproductive seeds at sunrise. Your reproductive seed contained in the pineal gland will release melatonin at sunrise after about 40 minutes of meditation allowing your DNA to receive the message from the SUN through PHOTONS.
So when you go to worship the false physical Jesus god in a Church on Easter Sunday and then home to a traditional meal of lamb remember this. There never was, nor did the author intend for there to be a physical Jesus. The bible is 100% astrological starting with Christmas and Easter as well as the 12 apostles representing the 12 signs of the zodiac and Jesus representing the Sun. You'd be much better off staying in bed, sitting up and meditating. Close your eyes and quietly chant OM for an hour.