Happy Fourth of July!
On January 1, I wrote as to why I think the new year and thus the calendar was planned to start on this seemingly obscure date and not on the March 21, Spring Equinox which is the natural celestial first day of the year. The reason has to do with our sister Sun called "Sirius" the Dog Star, the brightest star in the night sky. (anything brighter is a planet). On January 1, earth is the closest it is at any point in the year to Sirius and that means that if you go outside on New Years Eve. at midnight and look straight up, the star you'll see is Sirius. Anyway, and although this fact is taught exactly nowhere in popular culture, there is significant scientific evidence to assume that our entire solar system revolves around Sirius once every 26,000 years and a cycle of this magnitude is obviously difficult to validate as we will all be dead many times over in only one year.
On the 4th day in July at midnight, the earth is at it's "farthest" point from Sirius and it's this conjunction (lining up with) the Sun and Sirius that our founding fathers were acutely aware of.
One only has to look at the diagram below to want to subscribe to the theory that those who initiated the calendar, wrote the bible*, and also decided on the birth day of the United States of America on July 4, took the powers of the star Sirius, well, very seriously. (sorry). - Mike C.
(*The biblical significance is that Sirius is the biblical "star in the east" that the three wise men followed to locate the birth of the son of God. In reality, on December 21 the winter solstice each year, the three stars in Orion's belt point to the star Sirius, which in turn points to the exact location on the horizon where the "SUN" will rise. Also, in my estimation, what you are looking at below is God (Sirius) and the "SUN of God" the sun, hence the myth written of in the Bible.)
I am 100% convinced that Sirius, the "Dog, God," Star is God.
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