Aquarius is the God of Global Warming
Approximately 2200 years ago, our solar system left the constellation Aires, the ram entering Pisces the Two Fishes. The opposite of Pisces is Virgo, the Virgin. When that happened an new solar messiah emerged on the scene to allegorically personify the Sun and that person was the Christian Jesus character. Along with Jesus, the Piscean "fisher of men", feeding the masses with "two fish" came his opposite sign played by Mary, the "Virgin of Virgo".
For the next 1200 years, Christians basically went door to door and killed anyone who would not accept the new solar messiah as their god and we're seeing the exact same motif being played out today except Pisces is replaced by Aquarius, Christians are replaced by "Liberals", Christianity is replaced by Global Warming, and Jesus is replaced by (to be named later).
On December 21, 2012, the age of Pisces came to an end as our Solar System moved into Aquarius the Waterbearer. Aquarius' opposite is LEO, the lion, which is ruled by the Sun. The new messiah is taking shape in the for of "Global Warming" and the mantra of being saved by Jesus is being replaced with "save the planet". Furthermore, replacing the zodiacal signs of Pisces the fish and the Virgo the virgin, are the Aquarius the waterbearer and Leo the Sun, and we see the polar ice caps being melted by the sun threatening a "rising sea level". Al Gore is being called the "God" of, and global warming is being touted as something you should be willing to die for to save the planet, just like the Jesus savior character was a concept people were willing to die, and kill for.
Get ready for bloodshed in America as the left fulfill their destiny as a warrior force driven to save the world for the new religion, Global Warming.
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