Saturday, May 11, 2024

Here's the way to activate the pineal gland in meditation.

When you meditate and chat OM you create a pitch which is a vibration in the upper sinuses. After doing this more than 40 times the vibration creates warmth and heat and warm the pineal gland to a point it then secretes it's fluid. That fluid immediately flows down the spinal column and permeates instantly into every cell in the body, like chlorophyll in a plant. Your DNA can then receive the message of God through the photons of the rising sun in Aries the Lamb of God from 6 AM to 8 AM every day, and you can eat the daily bread.

Chanting OM re-creates the rising sun and the vibration, electricity goes from your solar plexus (soul,sol) where the Son (sun) son of MAN resides and rises up into the sinuses, warming the pineal gland which like a pinecone bursts open it seed.

You cannot know God unless you know astrology

The Bible is pure astrological allegory. If you don’t know the signs of the zodiac, you’ll never understand the hidden meanings of the Bible.  

Genesis 1:14 “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and …

let them be for signs, (signs of the zodiac!)

and for seasons, and for days, and years:”

  • The Bible is pure astrology, every sentence, verse, and chapter is an allegorical representation of the sun, stars, and planets
  • Every temple, church, mosque, and synagogue is nothing but a physical frame for the rising sun in the east by day and the stars of the zodiac and the planets at night
  • Certain keywords in the Bible have a secondary meaning related only to Astrology, making the stories of the Bible make perfect sense
  • Psalm 19, in particular, gives glory to the sun, and states that there is nothing hid from the heat thereof

Chapter 1: The Birth of the Sun

  • The world celebrates on December 25 because it marks the first day with at least one more minute of sunlight than the day before. the SUN is born!.
  • The birth of the son (Jesus) is also the birth of the Sun

Chapter 2: Celebrating Satan

  • The celebration of Santa is a celebration of Satan (Saturn) who is portrayed as the "prince of darkness"
  • Satan is the planet Saturn, not the Devil, which is the moment after sunset
  • The celebration coincides with the darkest day of the year (December 21)

Chapter 3: The Birth of the Father

  • The celebration of the birth of the Father (God) is on January 1
  • A celestial alignment between the sun, earth, and Sirius (Dog Star) occurs at exactly 12:59 midnight on December 31 every year

Chapter 4: Hidden Meanings in the Bible

  • The Bible tells us to meditate every day at sunrise and sunset to enter the kingdom of heaven and meet God
  • The kingdom of heaven is in the mind and through meditation, one can enter a state of pure consciousness (everlasting life)

Chapter 5: Interpreting the Bible Allegorically

  • Every story in the Bible has one hidden meaning and can be interpreted allegorically through meditation
  • The Bible should be interpreted allegorically, not literally

Chapter 6: Principles of an Allegorical Bible

  • Words in the Bible have two meanings
  • The Zodiac is the allegorical theme throughout the Bible
  • Each character in the Bible represents a planet, star, or constellation of the zodiac
  • Every Bible story describes entering into the kingdom of heaven through the process of meditation

Chapter 7: Entering the Kingdom of Heaven through Meditation

  • Meditation is heaven, the promised land
  • Heaven is a place in the mind, not in the sky and can only be achieved through meditation
  • The Bible says that the kingdom of heaven is within you

Chapter 8: Bible Stories Mean to Meditate

Every chapter, verse, and story in the Bible is an allegorical description of someone's experience during meditation.

Chapter 9: The Role of Lawyers in the Bible

  • The term "lawyer" in the Bible refers to those who interpret the scriptures literally, following the "letter of the law"
  • Luke 11:52 states that lawyers have taken away the key of knowledge and hindered those who were entering in

2 Corinthians 3:6 states that true ministers of the new testament are those who interpret it spiritually, not literally, as the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life.

Chapter 10: Aires the Ram and the Lamb of God

  • Aires the ram is the first month of the Zodiacal calendar and the sign of the rising sun, ruled by the planet Mars
  • In the Bible, Aires is represented by the apostle Mark in the New Testament and Adam in the Old Testament
  • The concept of forgiveness is associated with the sun in Aires, shining on everyone and everything regardless of behavior
  • Aires the Ram is also the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and the act of sacrificing a lamb is associated with meditation at sunrise
  • The Bible references to the lamb is referring to the sunrise. John 1:29 describes Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

The sign opposite Aires the Ram is Libra, representing judgement and balance

Chapter 11: The Risen Sun of Man

  • The sun is the light of the world and Jesus is the representative of the sun, the son of God
  • Our soul is the SOL, the electricity within us in the solar plexus
  • God is light and we are made in God's image, therefore, we are light
  • King Solomon represents the soul of man, the SOL of man
  • Through OM meditation and chanting, we can recreate the rising sun within ourselves, the risen sun of man.

Chapter 12: Capricorn, the Goat

  • Capricorn is the tenth month of the Zodiacal calendar, starting on December 21 and is the sign of the goat, ruled by the planet Saturn
  • In the Bible, Saturn is played by the character Satan, who is not the devil but represents materialism
  • Satan is portrayed as a goat with horns and is called the "Prince of Darkness" as December 21 is the shortest, darkest day of the year
  • Jesus, his opposite, rules Cancer, beginning on June 21, the longest, lightest day of the year, and is called "The Light of the World"
  • The goat is repeatedly mentioned throughout the Old Testament as a time of the day, not an actual animal. Sacrificing the goat means meditation from 12 midnight to 2 am
  • The goat climbs to the top of the mountain, the opposite of Cancer, the crab that lives on the bottom of the ocean.

Chapter 13: Easter, The East Star

  • Easter Sunday is celebrated as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox
  • Easter is the celebration of the East Star, Sirius, which is the closest and brightest star and around which our solar system orbits once every 26,000 earth years
  • Sirius is considered the biblical "God the Father" and the Sun is represented by the son, the Jesus character
  • The opposite of God is the devil and judgement is evil, the devil, the sunset
  • The Bible often mentions "Jesus from Nazareth" which is Greek for "From Sirius"
  • On December 31, at 12:00 midnight, the earth is at its closest point to Sirius and the sun, earth, and Sirius are in direct alignment
  • Many astronomers believe that we are in a binary solar system, with two suns, and that our solar system revolves around Sirius every 26,000 years.
  • Sirius is considered the star in the east that the three wise men followed to locate the birth of the son of God, and is also the star we top the Christmas tree with.
  • The author of the bible is 100% convinced that Sirius, the "Dog, God" star is God.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Knowing when to meditate is just as important as knowing how to meditate

 When to meditate:

Start meditating 20 minutes before sunrise, and last at least until 20 minutes after sunrise for the morning session and end meditating 20 minutes after sunset for the evening session. Creating a “socket of silver” means to meditate at night under the light of the silvery moon …  A “socket” is a receptor as in a light socket. It’s where you screw in a light bulb to receive its light. Making a socket is a time to receive God’s light through the photons of the sun at sunrise and sunset. Twenty minutes before and after sunrise, and twenty minutes before and after sunset is the most important time to meditate. Meditating any other time than that is a waste of time. 

Exodus 26:19 KJV

And thou shalt make forty sockets of silver under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets under another board for his two tenons.